From anyone can get a free ebook called Secrets: To Creating the Life of Your Dreams. On here I will be talking about some key points of the book and my opinions. Hopefully if you like what you read on here you will download the free ebook. If you get the free ebook and read it, let me know what you think :).
The three simple questions:
1. 'Create and Live your dream life' - Is there a reason that you have heard this line before? I was always told to follow my dreams and do what makes me happy. As a child I was dyslexic and school was challenging. I had to overcome a lot to get where I am today (like most people).
2. Is it possibly that it's not an accident you are reading this book now? After picking it out and deciding to ask for the free ebook I think it was my choice to read it lol.
3. If this book does have the answers in it for creating your dream life, what is stopping you from giving it a try? Life has it's limitations. I'm on the way to building my dream life, but it won't happen in the blink of an eye.
1. Stay in the present moment and focus on whatever you are doing at this time. "The best way to get is to give, just like the best way to achieve power is to empower other. So when you give someone 100%of yourself, they really feel it."
2. "You must live your life as you see fit, and bring the world all of the contributions you know how to bring."
3. "A dream is the seed of possibility planted in the soul of a human being, which calls him to pursue a unique path to the realization of his purpose." ~Sharon Hall
4. "If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster."
5. Some tools to work on asking for help: Meditation and building intuition.
6. Belief traps: When you want to do something, but you can't for some reason (or think you can't). This leaves us stuck in place. Modify your goals to fit you, to avoid this trap.
7. DCBA - Dream, Connect, Believe, Act.
1. The interview with God format is very interesting. Not what I expected.
2. Many musicians have mastered the art of being in the moment and giving people their full heart.
3. People will keep seeking you out if you make them special/actually care about them.
4. It is sad that the graveyard holds most peoples dreams. Weird idea in the book, but it makes sense.
5. Picture your life's dream already created? What does it look like?
6. You have to have a goal, in order to reach a goal.
7. Make your goals exciting and inspiring.
8. We like movies that show other succeeding because it gives us hope.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Taxi Brooklyn (and the "isms")
While I was watching tonight, this clip caught my eye. Many people in this world are judgmental. This clip shows a man (the suspect in this case) following some pretty typical stereotypes. He claims that he is the one who deserves to have rights, while other people do not. The main character, who has short hair and is a cop, he calls a lesbian. He doesn't want to talk to anyone who isn't white. The only people he likes are white "normal" males.
Watching things like this makes me cringe, but I hope it spreads awareness. Everyone is human and we have no right to act like we are above anyone. Hopefully you weren't offended by the clip. The idea behind it is to spread awareness about stereotypes.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
#LiveTweetYourPeriod Campaign
The #LiveTweetYourPeriod is new trend on social media sites like Twitter and Instagram. Basically women on their periods are tweeting about it. The trend came when a girls period art was taken off instagram for being inappropriate. We seem to normalize sexuality, but we are not accepting of women's periods (is the theory). I understand the concept behind it, including why we would want to normalize women talking about periods. Some of the posts about it are pretty funny. I do understand the campaign, however this is not a campaign that I would participate in.
Some women are very private about their periods and some women aren't. I'm not shy about mine, but I wouldn't want to publicly advertise it either. The important people in my like can hear about my time of the month. To expect other people to care about my period though, is just weird. Why would you care about my period unless it effected you. More power to the women on board with this campaign. Try to normalize it, freedom to you and all women. Maybe it will make a change and I hope it does. Personally I have never been judged for being on my period (other than being told I am crabby). I know some people do make judgements about it, especially in other countries. Keep it real and let me know your experiences.
Has anyone ever heard of this #LiveTweetYourPeriod Campaign? If so what do you think about it?
Some women are very private about their periods and some women aren't. I'm not shy about mine, but I wouldn't want to publicly advertise it either. The important people in my like can hear about my time of the month. To expect other people to care about my period though, is just weird. Why would you care about my period unless it effected you. More power to the women on board with this campaign. Try to normalize it, freedom to you and all women. Maybe it will make a change and I hope it does. Personally I have never been judged for being on my period (other than being told I am crabby). I know some people do make judgements about it, especially in other countries. Keep it real and let me know your experiences.
Has anyone ever heard of this #LiveTweetYourPeriod Campaign? If so what do you think about it?
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Jurassic World (Movie)
Went to see Jurassic World today!! It was a really good movie. There were a lot of flashbacks to the first movie. I don't want to give away to many spoilers, that way everyone can enjoy watching it. If anyone wants to comment about their thoughts on the movie, I would love to hear your opinions. Just some interesting things to think about.....
1. Dinosaurs were around for a long time before us, I wonder how much they knew about the world that we don't. Do you think they know things that we don't?
2. Human's often tend to act like they can do anything they want. We are the dominant specie on earth right now, but what would happen if we weren't? The struggle for survival and power would be real. Human's don't take commands very well, lol.
3. Did anyone else want to cry when all the innocent dinosaurs in the movie were getting destroyed? I thought it was really sad. It's the chain of life, I get it. Innocent things shouldn't have to die the way they do though. Was it just a movie in this case, yes, but it happens in real life too.
4, What would have happened if a T-Rex was crossed with human genomes? During the movie, I thought that is what was going to happen. Ultimately, we love creating new things. Why not create something that is like us. Creators love creating things like them, right?
5. If we were able to recreate dinosaurs, how would you feel about it? It is a little creepy to think about the fact that we could recreate an entire species. Animals are not play toys or possessions. Creating any type of species would come with consequences. Personally, I would have no interest in a project like this. If there has anything we learned from these movies, it is not to mess with things we don't understand.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
30 day Once Upon A Time
I will try to update this every day, if I can remembers. Feel free to do it with me :).
Day 1: Favorite Character - Regina (She proves that people who do terrible things can still be good people deep down).
Day 2: Least Favorite Character - Regina's family members (They are devious, annoying, and always seem to hurt Regina).
Day 4: Favorite Villain - Regina... Duh.
Day 5: Favorite Episode - The Heart of the Truest Believer. Thanks to the help of I was able to review many of the old episodes quickly. This is the episode that really stood out to me, where many people people (hero's and villains) were able to work together and save Henry from Pan. Plus, I loved watching hook as a kid, so that made it even better.

Day 6: Favorite Plot Twist - When Regina is willing to becoming the dark one to save the town, but Emma does instead because she cares about Regina. It's just awesome to see that worst enemies can become best friends. (This just happened, so it's stuck in my mind too).
Day 7: Favorite Story - Swan's entire story. They are all great stories, but Swan is what connects everyone together. Without her OUAT wouldn't make sense.
Day 8: Favorite Couple - It was Rumple and Belle, but he decided to keep hurting her. I know he can't help it though. Right now I really love Swan with Hook and Regina with Robin hood.
Day 9: Favorite Brotp - Robin hood and Will Scarlet. Talk about a dreamy bromance.
Day 10: Character Most Likely to Die Next - Anyone accept the main characters.
Day 11: Favorite Realm - Storybrooke, it's the current world and it's awesome. Without Storybrooke the stories wouldn't be tied together. It is the place where everyone has a chance to be happy and/or change.
Day 12: Most Romantic Moment - All the times when lovers risk everything to make each other happy. Especially Rumple and Belle falling in love.
Day 13: Favorite Quote - Emma: "It's time for all of us to believe. Not in magic, but in each other."'
Day 14: Favorite Secondary Character: There are so many to choose from, maybe Granny or Lily.
Day 15: Character you would like on OUAT: It would be awesome to have some animal characters. Like, lady and the tramp, Simba, Bambi, etc. I'm not sure if it is possible, but it would be really cool.
Day 16: Favorite Costume: Maleficent, Hook, Emma, and the Evil Queens costumes.
Day 17: Favorite New Character: Maleficent and Lily.
Day 18: Character I Want Back: The fairies, they were funny and caring.
Day 19: Saddest Moment: Belle making Rumple leave.
Day 20: Most Underrated Character: Belle, I think she is amazing. She is kinda a main character, but it pushed into the background a lot.
Day 21: Hottest Male Character: Team Robin Hood and Hook :). Both of them are extremely good looking.
Day 22: Hottest Female Character: Emma and Regina. I love their style and personalities :P.
Day 23: Favorite Season: Season 2 - this is when I really started watching and appreciating the show.
Day 24: Scariest Character: Rumple. He isn't that scary, but you never know what he is capable of.
Day 25: Any actor or actress you want on the show: This is very unlikely, but I would love to have one of the original cast members from Grey's Anatomy.
Day 26: Most evil character: The author. Everyone else was evil because of things that happened to them, but they actually cared. He was just a jerk who wanted things his way.
Day 27: Favorite OUAT Director: Don't have one.
Day 28: Favorite OUAT Writer: Don't have one.
Day 29: Favorite message: That villains aren't always evil, they just are caring people that have had their hearts broken.
Day 30: Favorite parallel: Neverland.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Car be Gummed
One of my bad habits bit me in the butt today. I have a really bad habit of throwing gum out the car window when I am done with it. When I am driving it just seems like the easy thing to do. A few days ago I through my gum out the window like I always do. Came home, parked my car, went in the house, nothing unusually.
Fast forward to this morning... I walk up to my car and see a big blob of gum on my driver side door. Thinking nothing of it I go to flick it off. Unfortunately the gum was melted and just attached me to my door, spreading the gum all over over my hand and stinging from the door. I try to keep most of it with me, but a lot of the string mess fell back onto my car.
I look over and see the garbage men coming and my friends mom from high school that I hadn't seen in forever. Trying to hide and prevent myself from looking like an idiot, I go to get into the car. The gum is still all over my hand, so it gets on the door handle as well. My new project for tomorrow morning (when it isn't so hot) is to clean the gum off my car.
Moral of the story, despise of your gum properly. I can't say this will keep me from ever throwing gum out of my window again, but I will definitely re-think it next time.
What is your craziest gum story? I'm sure we all have a few of them to share...
Fast forward to this morning... I walk up to my car and see a big blob of gum on my driver side door. Thinking nothing of it I go to flick it off. Unfortunately the gum was melted and just attached me to my door, spreading the gum all over over my hand and stinging from the door. I try to keep most of it with me, but a lot of the string mess fell back onto my car.
I look over and see the garbage men coming and my friends mom from high school that I hadn't seen in forever. Trying to hide and prevent myself from looking like an idiot, I go to get into the car. The gum is still all over my hand, so it gets on the door handle as well. My new project for tomorrow morning (when it isn't so hot) is to clean the gum off my car.
Moral of the story, despise of your gum properly. I can't say this will keep me from ever throwing gum out of my window again, but I will definitely re-think it next time.
What is your craziest gum story? I'm sure we all have a few of them to share...
Monday, June 1, 2015
Sad Posts
First of all, there are billions of people on facebook, which I'm sure we all know. Some peoples profiles are set to private and some to public. Depending on what your posting and what your profession is, it might be a good idea to set your profile to private. When it is public anyone can access your information (employers, employees, crazy ex's, cops, etc). That is a whole different story though, so let me get back on track.
As a caring person, when I see someone post something about being sad, depressed, suicidal, etc. I take it seriously. People do go through hard times and I understand that. Facebook can be used for reaching out, however I take it seriously. If you are upset enough to post something bad on facebook, then chances are I will message you about it (depending on how serious it is). Personally, I could not live with myself if something happened to you after you tried to reach out. It could be someone last attempt for people to care or to get the help they need. I will never underestimate someone's feelings.
There are people that hurt themselves or others that have reached out over social media. I recognize that some people do it for attention as well (but that is not what I consider when seeing postings). In my viewpoint if more people reached out, asked questions, and were able to ask for help, there would be less suicides. It's not just about suicide though. Anytime someone is going through a hard time, what is wrong with reaching out. Do most people not reach out because they are scared of being rejected or they don't want to get involved?
For those of you that experience this, I challenge you to message the person next time. You can't force them to talk to you if the don't want to, but at least they know someone cares. I don't care if the person is your best friend or worst enemy. Let me know if you have tried this, plan to try this, or have a story on this topic. I look forward to hearing from you. If you are trying it for the first time after reading this post, let me know how it goes as well.
P.S. You can try this on other sites besides facebook. I say facebook because that's what I am on most the time.
As a caring person, when I see someone post something about being sad, depressed, suicidal, etc. I take it seriously. People do go through hard times and I understand that. Facebook can be used for reaching out, however I take it seriously. If you are upset enough to post something bad on facebook, then chances are I will message you about it (depending on how serious it is). Personally, I could not live with myself if something happened to you after you tried to reach out. It could be someone last attempt for people to care or to get the help they need. I will never underestimate someone's feelings.
There are people that hurt themselves or others that have reached out over social media. I recognize that some people do it for attention as well (but that is not what I consider when seeing postings). In my viewpoint if more people reached out, asked questions, and were able to ask for help, there would be less suicides. It's not just about suicide though. Anytime someone is going through a hard time, what is wrong with reaching out. Do most people not reach out because they are scared of being rejected or they don't want to get involved?
For those of you that experience this, I challenge you to message the person next time. You can't force them to talk to you if the don't want to, but at least they know someone cares. I don't care if the person is your best friend or worst enemy. Let me know if you have tried this, plan to try this, or have a story on this topic. I look forward to hearing from you. If you are trying it for the first time after reading this post, let me know how it goes as well.
P.S. You can try this on other sites besides facebook. I say facebook because that's what I am on most the time.
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