Well for starters today and last night were interesting. Bible Study was awesome, like normal. Then we went to McDonald's which was interesting. I went to a recruitment meeting for Phi Sigma Sigma. That was quite interesting. We played a Grey's Anatomy game, but no one was paying attention lol. I hung out with a friend from Bible Study most the night and we worked on English homework/talked. The meeting with my RA went good and I am definitely applying to be one :).
One thing that I still have a track record of is people telling me a lot of stuff when I first meet them. It happens all the time. I feel like this will be a theme for the rest of my life. It's not a bad thing, it's pretty interesting actually. I just don't understand it :P.

Lastly, the dumb moments and funny moments for the last day or so:
<------This is the story of my life everyday. Including today of course.
~Dropping people off at their dorms and Kelly is in the front seat. I have a 2 door car. Lisa is behind her and says she needs to get out. Kelly goes says ok and sits there for about a minute. Finally someone goes are you going to let her out? lol.
~Someone was at the bottom of the stairs and I was like one from the bottom. I was trying not to run into her, so I kinda like slipped on the stairs which somehow I landed safely at the bottom. I thought I was going to run into her so I tried to step back onto the stair. I fell on my butt, and was just kinda sitting on the stair for a minute as me and everyone else laugh.
~Me and Fran are driving and I passed a good parking spot. I throw the car in reverse and speed backwards to park in it. Kelly was watching us and I didn't know she was there. Needless to say they were laughing at me.

<----- This is my song of the day. It's Holding On by Jamie Grace. Everyone should check it out when they get a chance :).