Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Clothes in the Drier and It's Not a Date

literally ever morning<============ First off I love this movie. I have not seen it for a while and I feel like I should watch it soon. Plus this is me in the morning.

I went to see sinister today and it was a very interesting movie. It was what I did for Halloween. The rest of my day has been exams, observation and studying.

I left my clothes in the drier all day and guess where they are right now...... Still in the drier. Yes I love to piss people on campus off. I hope they all have driers lol. Exams can make me mean :P.

Can't wait for Cobi and Hope to come see me. These besties are amazing and I love and miss them. Hopefully Hope doesn't get into any flower this time.

According to Hope when someone has a bad day I should bake them Cupcakes? And we argue over what is considered a date. This girl..... She's crazy <3.

Wish me luck on meteorology.... I'm off to continue studying. This was a really short break lol.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Don't love me... I'm Busy!!

Look I understand people would like to confess your true feelings. BLAH BLAH BLAH.... YADA YADA!!!! I get it. This week people keep trying to confess how they feel about me.  Why must you all do this to me at the same time. I do not have time for sleep or food or anything. When I'm taking breaks from school and work and homework I like to blog and hang with people and nap and pinterest. There is no confessing feelings to old lovers or talking about feelings involved in that lol. Please pick better times to confess your love. Half the time I forget to even respond when you choose busy times. 
Plus if you broke up with me and then you decide to confess your love you should probably wait till its in person. Then we might be able to talk about things lol.

 <====== Next person to say this to me in a not friend context if I'm busy will get the response: Hold that thought and tell me when I have time.


It is the night before my exam and I decided to do some full out studying. I just realized I am skrewed. I NEED TO PAY ATTENTION MORE. I did not focus in class. I'm terrible at focusing on anything lately. I'm my break from studying, so I don't have much time. I'm gonna need a lot of luck and praying if I manage to pull off a good grade on this exam. RAWR!!!!

My other topic of discussion today will be about something. I don't know how to describe it so I'm not going to label it lol. There are times in life where you get really close to people and accept them for who they are. Then they do something completely out of character and you don't know how to react. Well I can accept what you did, but it makes me want to rethink who I thought you were. Anyone following me? I don't like rethinking who people are though. I just get confused by stuff like that lol. It's not my place to scold people for being dicks. I do feel you should take responsibility for what you did and try to make the situation better. Btw, that does not mean apologizing to me, because you didn't do anything to me. You should apologize to the person you did it to. If I'm acting weird around you, it's just because idk how to respond to you, nor do I care about your apologies. People bro lol. (Yes, my rant is relevant right now and you may know who it's about. Lol.)
Why is this funny
<====== DID YOU KNOW IT'S NOW HALLOWEEN!!!!! Now back to studying.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Flat Tires

So True <------- I love this quote. Yet it is very wrong in one way. I can go places on a flat tire. I have actually gone a lot of places with a flat tire and I didn't even know it :P. If you would like to know this story and don't already ask me about it.

I have so much homework to do, so I am going to keep this short. I have not had the best day, but I am fine with that. There is a lot of things I still need to figure out in life. I know the answers will come and I will end up where I am meant to be.

The more observing I do in class, the more I am looking forward to teaching. It will be one of the craziest and probably best things I do in my life. Yay for life lol. I hope everyone is finding their way and has a good day.

Remember if you are a flat tire..... you need to change it (or something like that lol).

Saturday, October 27, 2012


 My friend did manage to wake me up for pancakes this morning lol. They were yummy, then I went back to sleep. I worked all night, which was actually interesting today. A lot of funny stuff happened, some of which is to awesome to share on here :P. I hiccuped for about an hour and couldn't stop. That was pretty funny and
I laughed through like half of work. Costumes were funny too :P. 

I got some interesting texts today. I really hope some of the people texting me were drunk. If not then I don't know how I can even react to them..... 

.Door decorating tomorrow then work. It should be fun. I have so much homework to do right now though. Hopefully I can get it all done. 

<------- Why thank you for pointing out the we are all beautiful. You Mr. Tree are also beautiful. You look very tree like :P.

"Ships in the night, You keep passing me by"

Well, I went on a late night adventure and I'm gonna post this quickly before I go to bed. I did some homework before I went out. Tomorrow I will be doing a lot of homework and same on Sunday. My friend is gonna try to wake me up at 8:30 to get pancakes (good luck lol).

Last night was a fun night of truth or dare, quelf, and some other random crazy stuff. I got dared to jump out at someone and say Simon says. The guy I jumped out at turned out to be pretty awesome and we all ended up talking a little bit. Waving and exchanging numbers was also involved for some dares. It was really fun :).

Apparently I am once again "the matchmaker." It's whatever. I can pick out who would get a long and be cute together. On that note I can not determine how things will go between people. If I set them up and it does not work, I have no control over that.

I got to watch Grey's Anatomy today which I absolutely love. That show is amazing and I want to find my Derek :). I'm ready to find that guy I can spend my life with and I'm excited about it. I already have my best friend(s).

Me and Ash throwing things at Frans window to wake her up was pretty funny. Also, I like that I have my best friend to talk to again. She loves to send me a million things a day and I like looking at all the random crud she sends me.

 <-------------- Song of the day: Like Ships In the Night. It has nothing to do with Grey's Anatomy. But I figured to save time I would find a picture that mixed the song and show :). I absolutely love this picture.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Silly Life

     Well for starters today and last night were interesting. Bible Study was awesome, like normal. Then we went to McDonald's which was interesting. I went to a recruitment meeting for Phi Sigma Sigma. That was quite interesting. We played a Grey's Anatomy game, but no one was paying attention lol. I hung out with a friend from Bible Study most the night and we worked on English homework/talked. The meeting with my RA went good and I am definitely applying to be one :).

   One thing that I still have a track record of is people telling me a lot of stuff when I first meet them. It happens all the time. I feel like this will be a theme for the rest of my life. It's not a bad thing, it's pretty interesting actually. I just don't understand it :P.

Lastly, the dumb moments and funny moments for the last day or so:
   <------This is the story of my life everyday. Including today of course. 

 ~Dropping people off at their dorms and Kelly is in the front seat. I have a 2 door car. Lisa is behind her and says she needs to get out. Kelly goes says ok and sits there for about a minute. Finally someone goes are you going to let her out? lol.

~Someone was at the bottom of the stairs and I was like one from the bottom. I was trying not to run into her, so I kinda like slipped on the stairs which somehow I landed safely at the bottom. I thought I was going to run into her so I tried to step back onto the stair. I fell on my butt, and was just kinda sitting on the stair for a minute as me and everyone else laugh.

~Me and Fran are driving and I passed a good parking spot. I throw the               car in reverse and speed backwards to park in it. Kelly was watching us and I didn't know she was there. Needless to say they were laughing at me.

 <----- This is my song of the day. It's Holding On by Jamie Grace. Everyone should check it out when they get a chance :).

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Your Dumb"

Grandma <3      For starters I woke up feeling like crud this morning. I got ready to go to observation and class. Then I called in and went back to sleep. I feel better now.... But it was a sit home and do homework type of day. I actually didn't mind doing homework all day, because I didn't want to get up.

Tonight I have a lot to do..... which includes venturing over to the education building. Though I did homework all day I still have a lot more to do.

   I had a dream that involves me and a best friend talking about our Grandmas (which made me think of mine today). That's a whole rush of emotions that include most of my childhood. I know she is in a good place now though :).

   A had a twinky moment today..... I have a belt buckle that says YOUR DUMB. I was rushing to go get some stuff from the dollar store and I put it on upside down. My friend laughed at me for it lol. It was pretty funny I will admit.

  Off to my busy night and hopefully I wont start feeling sick again. Have a good night everyone.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I'm not yet dead

lunch time!      Well for starters Paranormal Activity 4 is not scary at all. It was actually pretty funny. Then Mike got scared because he tripped over the step on the way out. Anyway it was a pretty lame movie and I only jumped once. 

      I can not cook still.... and I really want to learn.... But I can't even make Ramen Noodles. I failed at that today. I managed to fix it lol. I put cheese and taco seasoning on it. I have a million people telling me they will teach me to cook. But someone needs to actually teach me.

    I'm becoming a speed reader, which is actually pretty fun and useful. Thank you English class for teaching me these random things that actually work. Though most the class thinks all this stuff is dumb, I enjoy it.

FUNNY THING: Me: "When's the due date?"  Friend: "What?" Me: "Whoops not what I meant." 


Monday, October 22, 2012

My Day

   It's today again. Not really again I guess, but yea lol. Just another day on my long list of never ending days. I observed, went to class, slept, hung with Travis, and went to bowling (where I talked to Tweety Bird for a while and left). Two of my best friends texted about some interesting stuff...... Yet when I decide to take over she doesn't text me back :P. LOL. Such is life.                                                                                 
I'm very bad at making to do lists and keeping a planner up to date. I need to do both for a class and am so far behind that it's not even funny. I need to catch up on a whole month of activities, when I can barely remember what I did yesterday.

Facebook is good for a lot of things, but it has also become depressing. Over the summer I didn't go on much, because I didn't want to know what people had to say. Going down a million posts about drama and other dumb or sad stuff is pretty lame.

In other news it's raining..... Speaking of which I need to start working on my meteorology weather report. Now off to read Danielle Steel for an English assignment.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I worked late today.... and when I got off I had a message from my amazing Mom (who I call Mummalu). She left me a voice mail and two texts. One text was saying how much she missed me and the other was of my dog. I miss them both very much. I realized I have not been home in forever. I had a text from my good friend who said how much she missed me, too.
<<<<<<---------------------This is my baby Freckles. I love him.

I have been so busy up here I didn't have time to think about how much I actually miss home. I called my mom back when I got home and realized the only time I may be able to come home before I finish the semester is for Thanksgiving. Even when I go home for that it might only be over night.

Being away from home is something that everyone needs to get use to at some point, but I wish I had time to stay connected with everyone.

Anyway on a different note, I need to figure out what classes to take next semester and where I'm living for the summer. Plus I need to apply to be an RA next year. Here Comes the Boom is a good movie. I went to see it with Travis and the Kroger peoples.

I hope yall are having a great night/day/whatever.

Friday, October 19, 2012


We must work hard to reach our goals in life. Once we set our goals no one can stop us from achieving them, unless we let them. Today we get side tracked from what we really want. We listen to friends, family, and teachers. Being a true leader and a true person is not who you can influence, but those people who listen to someones goals and tell them to keep going. While everyone is shoving these peoples dreams into the ground, you pick them up and tell them they can do it.

I have always had a realist view on life and that will probably never change. Yet today my view shifted, because realistically if you want something bad enough you don't need another person telling you you can't. YOU CAN BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE.

Set those goals and stick to them. Prove the world wrong. Don't let anyone discourage you. If you are worried about what to tell people, then tell them nothing. There is nothing to tell, show them. Show people who you are and what you can achieve.

That was my rant for today lol. On a side note: DON'T FACE THE OPPOSITE WAY WHEN SOMEONE IS TALKING. I don't mind if you are writing or not paying attention. Just don't turn around for more than a minute or two when someone is talking. RUDE!!! Thank you :).

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Air One and Danielle Steel

During my full day of classes and doing homework, I came up with a few ideas of blogs I want to do. Those I will save for a day when I have more time.

I have to be up at 7:30 tomorrow to observe, than I have leadership training :).

First of Air One is my favorite at the moment. It's a radio station by where I live, that plays all uplifting music. Not only does it play hear, but you can find it in many places. If you have some time you should check it out (fair warning it is a christian station, but it's artists like skillet and superchick). It can make any day better for me.  Check it out:

The other topic of review is Danielle Steel. For those of you who have never heard of her she is one of the best romance writers ever. Her books seem to have the same story line, with different events and characters of course. Right now I'm reading Kaleidoscope, which is about a soldier who becomes an actor who marries an amazing woman. Though there is a surprising turn, which you will need to read to find out :). Check it out here:


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Finding My Way

Today I had a lot to do. I meet up with my mom and was really happy to see her.... So I treated her to a movie. Which she was really happy about and that makes me happy.

Hung with Travis and bought a belt. Which looks like this

I think it goes awesome with my belt buckle :).  Now I gotta remember to look into these two games I really want to get.

I had a great night hanging with the girls then it was home for relaxing and homework. Classes tomorrow will be interesting, especially because I still need to do my homework :/.

Lastly, I think I made a decision that will surprise a heck of a lot of people, but that is for me to know and them to find out. Hope everyone had a great day.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I'm at work the other day and I had an interesting moment. Out of everything that happened the other day I don't know why this moments stuck with me.... but it did.

Outside there was a group of people standing in a circle and it looked like a bible study group. I was focused on other things when the girl I was standing next to pointed it out.

At first I thought that's really cool. Then, my co-worker says, "I would never go to church."

I didn't know what to say, so all that came out was, "Oh" as I looked at her. 

She looks at me and continues to tell me about how God had never been there for her when she needed him and how she wants nothing to do with him. In my mind all I could think of is what do you mean he was never there? Did you ever go to him or believe in him? What did you need him to do for you?

Though a million things were going through my mind all I could respond with was, "oh." As I turned around to do other things.

As I worked side by side with this girl, all I could think was what happened that God couldn't help you with? My mind kept thinking about how God is there to guide us and help us through the things in our lives when we turn to him. He doesn't do things for us, but he gives us the tools and attitude to be able to achieve anything (plausible of course). I'm not the type to press my beliefs on others, because it is a personal choice. I just wish her the best in life, but I can't help think about her words.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Naps of Failure

First off I NEED to start getting more sleep during the night. I can't function during the day without some sleep at night. It's fine if I get a little sleep here and there. I haven't been sleeping so little that I hit the overly tired stage, but I haven't been sleeping enough to be awake.

I come home from one activity really tired, so I take a "short nap." Problem being I end up sleeping through the next thing I need to do. I wake up go to get out of bed and my body just doesn't want to. I end up sleeping through my top priority things.

This needs to stop today, because I need to go to all my classes and I need to focus on school. I know I'm not gonna stop being tired, but I don't care if I fall asleep in class, I will go. PROMISE TO MYSELF: NO MORE NAPS RIGHT BEFORE CLASS for the rest of the semester.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Oh no.... It's THE FACE!

Have you ever been out with friends and having a good time. Everyone is drinking and your friend has had a little to much. Everything is good then all the sudden....... THE FACE!!!! Everyone is smiling then your friends smile just drops. You being the more sober one is left to deal with it.

Sometimes I think it would be fun just to make the face back and see what happens. Like I mean they are drunk and it probably doesn't matter what you do. If they are that sad drunk they will pick anything and everything to cry about.

Things people cry about though are ridiculous: Boys, Old friends, people hating them, someones comments, stuff that happened in middle school, someone being mean? It's just crazy.

My personal favorite is your not taking me serious or your not listening to me. They start crying and by that point you are so busy trying not to laugh, you do stop taking them serious.

Moral of the story if you get THE FACE.... Don't drink so much or you better have some pretty good friends to deal with it lol.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Other Me's!!!!

I have a lot of friends and a lot of people I consider best friends.... but there are those people in life that you just know will stick around. Those people that become your other half and no matter how far away they are or how long you go without talking they will still have that place.

There are friends that become parts of you. These parts bind you to them, to life, and to the person you know you can be. Parts that make you look for meaning and make you want to be better. Parts that simply define who you are and why you were put here.

Would you be you without those parts? Would you be you if they were never there? Would you know when to walk away with your parts.... or leave your parts with the other person when you don't need them?

These questions make friendships hard. You are bound to these people and these things and you will never forget them.

I may be hated or loved by these people that hold the pieces. Yet they will forever and always hold the pieces. They have earned that place in my heart and in my life. No matter what they have done, I would love them unconditionally, for they are not just people. They are the pieces that have held my life together and made me who I am.

These friends, enemies, acquaintances, are so much more than that. THEY ARE PEOPLE WHO HOLD MY LIFE AND MY LOVE!!!!


College is an adventure unlike any other. As I make my way through my third year, I continue my learning. Today I slept through my first two classes. I am exhausted, but I know I have to keep going and trying my best.

The daily debate is what parts of my life to cut out. I would like some guidance, but don't know who to ask. I can't organize anything right now. My work schedule is unpredictable. I have observations in the morning, school during the day, work or friends in the afternoon, and homework at night. Sleep is one of the last things on my mind, until I realize I can't get out of bed in them morning.

I don't have time for the friends I have now, but I find myself wanting to meet more people. Maybe I just want to be understood by people. How can I do this if I don't even have time for me right now?
All I know at this moment, my life is on a rocket and I have to steer it. These moments are not the ones I will be looking back on when I'm 80. I need to find those moments, those life goals, and that uncontrollable passion for something or someone.

Who do I want to be? Where do I want to go?

Teaching is what I have always wanted to do. But this is where I need to prove my worth. Show I can be someone my students will look up to. Do something more and achieve something more. That's where I'm doing and that is where I need to be. I want to grow in faith and love, forgive, and smile with honesty and compassion.

This is who I am and I'm trying to guide my future.