I have a lot of friends and a lot of people I consider best friends.... but there are those people in life that you just know will stick around. Those people that become your other half and no matter how far away they are or how long you go without talking they will still have that place.
There are friends that become parts of you. These parts bind you to them, to life, and to the person you know you can be. Parts that make you look for meaning and make you want to be better. Parts that simply define who you are and why you were put here.
Would you be you without those parts? Would you be you if they were never there? Would you know when to walk away with your parts.... or leave your parts with the other person when you don't need them?
These questions make friendships hard. You are bound to these people and these things and you will never forget them.
I may be hated or loved by these people that hold the pieces. Yet they will forever and always hold the pieces. They have earned that place in my heart and in my life. No matter what they have done, I would love them unconditionally, for they are not just people. They are the pieces that have held my life together and made me who I am.
These friends, enemies, acquaintances, are so much more than that. THEY ARE PEOPLE WHO HOLD MY LIFE AND MY LOVE!!!!
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