I know I posted a blog a few hours ago, but I got inspired. Basically I am going to take the first five statuses in my news feed on facebook. Give my translation/opinions of them. We will see what happens lol.
Status 1: "Shooters whattt!"
Me: What are you shooting? Just so you know you could have made your point with one T. I hope you have a designated driver tonight.
Status 2: "God is just soo amazing. We should be praising God for everything!"
Me: I happen to agree with you so I am going to like this status. I am assuming you are probably bored right now though and figured facebook would help you praise God and get other people to agree with you. Good status.
Status 3: "It takes seconds to say hello, forever to say goodbye, but what you leave behind is what makes it so hard to let go. <3"
Me: I'm assuming you are bored too. I like the status, except I have heard it before. It is one of the better statuses, so I will give it a thumbs up. Continue posting ma'am.
Status 4: "Seriously come through my lane with a ring from Tiffany's ring that cost well up in the thousands of dollars and pull out a food stamp card to pay for your food. You kidding me? God I wish I could say something to people."
Me: Maybe she will see your facebook and get the hint or maybe she just doesn't care. I'm glad facebook was there to support you in your anger over food stamps and rings.
Status 5: "Why do bugars exist?"
Me: This is either an inside joke, you spelled something wrong, or you like to ask really weird things. The chances that anyone will know what your talking about are slim to none. I would say click that delete status button girl.