GIRL LEARN HOW TO USE A ROUND-A-BOUT. It really is not that hard to do. It is not a four way stop and for no reason should you stop when there is no one in the roundabout. Honestly it is not that hard to grasp the concept. This lady today stops at before entering the roundabout and another waits as another car (which is waiting for her to go stops). They both sit there looking at each other trying to decide who should go first. The women in front of me begins to pull out, then she stops again as she is entering the roundabout. Which the lady isn't even going around the roundabout, she is turning right. REALLY? You were not going to be in anyone's way. If there is no one in the round about you may go. You do not need to sit there like a retarded chicken and wait for the other person, hoping they will know what to do. Just get your butt in the middle and be a productive person.PEOPLE NEED TO GO BACK TO DRIVERS TRAINING.
With that being said I am back to college. Messy dorms, completely unprepared for the semester, didn't get my books yet, and I want to take a nap. The funny thing is this post probably makes me sound like I am in the worst mood ever. My mood really isn't that bad. I'm just being a brat today. This could be dangerous depending who I end up hanging out with :P.
i don't like round-a-bout's lol