Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Taboo of Womanhood

Women in today's society face many issues. One of these issue is the common debate of pro-life vs. pro-choice. The argument is much more than saving a life vs. not saving a life. There are many questions we must ask ourselves about the pro-life vs. pro-choice debate.

At this moment do you have a solid opinion of your beliefs on this topic?

What factors have shaped your opinion?

When do you consider human life to begin? (At the time an egg is fertilized, once a certain body part is formed, when the baby has a heart, when the baby has a mind, or only once the baby is out of the mothers body)

If we force women who do not want a child to have a child, who will take care of that child? (The mother, the father, a family member, the government, an adoptive parent, etc)

Pro-life or pro-choice, should we make laws regarding what a women can do with her own body?

Many people can say their opinion, but can not explain why they have formed that opinion. We can tell a women what they should do, protest against them, shame them, or support them. Regardless of which belief you have, do you know why? What is the big picture. Who is being hurt in the process of these beliefs. Should we take away women's options based on a personal belief? When a women has a baby she never wanted, would you step up to take care of that child that you fought for? Once a child is born, where does the support go? If you fight for the welfare of the fetus or baby, would you night fight for the welfare of the child after it was born? 

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