Well I decided to blog early today, because I know if I wait I will probably forget again. I wanted to tell about my dream. It was really really really weird. Apparently my professors were giving me my grades before the last few weeks to see how I was doing. My mom and aunt were there and looked at it. I was getting a 32% in my Meteorology class (which I know I'm not doing good in right now) and a C in Psychology (which I'm also not doing the best in). Somewhere in the dream I got told I was going to die (I don't remember that part I just remember that I was dying). Then my mom and aunt started to freak out at me about my grades. I stood there for a few minutes and let them be mad. After, I stopped them and told them school was not the end of the world and it was just a tool to get me where I needed to be. I continued to preach about how my time would be better spent helping the world and caring about the people around me than sitting in a classroom all day. I told them I wanted to be in a Christian school and cared nothing about the life I was living right now basically. They were shocked by my reaction. As I get older I think I'm realizing more about the true potential people have. It was really weird for me to dream about that though, because normally I'm not the type to fail classes and if I did I think I would be a lot more disappointed.

I would like to be able to rewatch this dream because I know there was more to it.
Random thing I enjoy in life: Getting a hug from one of your students when you haven't been there in a few weeks :).
Random thing I don't enjoy: Eating something delicious and getting a really nasty tasting bite that makes you not want to eat it anymore.
Song of the day: Jesus Freak
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