Thursday, May 7, 2015

Complexities in Caring

This is going to be me venting and just thinking out my problems, so if it bothers you feel free not to read it. I am not a fan of people posting about their personal problems online. To me this is more than just a personal problem. To me this is a problem that most if not all of you reading this post have probable gone through.

Friends are complicated. It doesn't matter what kind of friends you are and you don't even have to be friend I guess. Relationships in general are complicated. Sometimes when we get caught up in our own problems we don't see the bigger picture, but when we step outside of ourselves there is always a bigger picture. As I am up late at night thinking about friendship, I realized that there are probably a million other people in the world struggling in relationships as well. 

Maybe it's a significant other, a parents, a best friend, a worst enemy, a bully, or someone you barely know. You sit there struggling and thinking you are alone.... But you aren't. Non of us are alone in this. There is someone out there in the world struggling with the same problems you are. Plus most relationships go two ways and the person on the other end of the struggling relationship might be feeling the same way.

I am not a person to give advice on this subject. Chances are if you are hurting, scared, depressed, confused, unsure, feelings used, vulnerable, etc. any advice I could give you wouldn't change your situation anyway. I think it is OK to feel all those things. They are just emotions. Can emotions be painful? Yes. Does it sometimes feel like you won't make it through? Yes. Will you cry, scream, freak out, yell at people, be in a bad mood, retaliate? Maybe, that is kind of up to you. 

I guess my point is that it is natural. It is natural to get caught up in relationships. We are human and we get caught up in relationships because we care. Caring can give us some of the greatest joys in life and some of our greatest pains. They are kind of bonded in a weird way. Joy and pain have a crazy complicated relationship. Sometimes things don't work out and you have to let go. Sometimes you have to fight your heart out to hold on (and it may not work). Just know that you are not alone and that the struggle matters. Eventually, it is worth something. It's a lesson, an experience, a part of life.

Even if this post doesn't help anyone else, I know it helped one person. It helped me. Thank you for reading and I hope I don't get labeled as a crazy person lol.

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