As a customer service person, THE CUSTOMER IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT!!! If you don't like a companies policies, think they over charge you, think the workers are rude, etc. Then why would you continuously go back to that company. Customers that fight tooth and nail to be the exception to the way a company does business, get themselves nowhere. Besides wasting the companies time, you are really wasting your own time.
At my current job customers are not considered to be right all the time. Not that my company is perfect, but we stick to our policies for all customers. There are not major exceptions, but at least we are consistent. If you have used us before, you can come back expecting the same work and procedures to be used.
All I'm saying is don't use THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT as an excuse to be treated differently, get things for cheap, or be downright rude. You are hurting yourself in the long run. BE A GOOD PERSON
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