Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Not perfect

Well for starters I still have a concussion. I figured out I am not the most responsible person when I have a concussion. Needless to say, the things I would normally do are not the same as the things I do when I have a concussion. I'm starting to see things clearer now though.

I went on a prayer walk today and I really loved it. The people I went with seemed like an awesome group. As you walked it was like a conversation with each other as well as with God. We walked around campus and I took the lead. Today was pretty inspiring.... when I had the ability to focus and stay awake anyway. 

One thing I would like to discuss is being yourself. In today's world Christians are labeled as hypocrites and all these bad things. I will admit that I am not perfect and I think the true problem is that Christians don't dare to say they don't have everything together. Religion is not about being perfect, but it is about accepting that you are not. I accept others for the people they are and I accept myself for my flaws. My life is about becoming better and trying to improve. With that being said, each time I blog I would like to answer some questions about me and my life in general.

310600_10151154548613972_1175214123_nYes I make mistakes daily and I have just as many challenges to face as any other person. Yet I think it's important to do your best every day. Make a difference, make a change, at least make something out of the time you have on earth. 

<====== If you look at the world and at life as a beautiful place, you will discover the things that make it beautiful. Look at the good in everything else. This is a challenge and I would love to look at the world like this everyday. 

BELIEVE in something bigger than you!!!!!!!!!!

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